
(A) Task-based fMRI of 20 healthy individual performing a language task used for clinical studies.

Healthy 20 subject – language task (ATTENTION! Large file, 2.47 Gb)

A total of 20 right-handed healthy subjects were included in the study. The .zip files contains, for each individual, fMRI and MRI files and the language model used during the task. In addition, we include the weighted adjacency matrix and further information about the functional network that we build from this data set. Please see the readme file for each individual.

(B) Case report study on the functional translocation of the Broca’s area.

Case report – translocation of Broca’s area

A right-handed patient who shows functional translocation of the Broca’s area from the left to the right hemisphere, due to brain tumor, is studied. Data include three different fMRI language task and MRI. Additionally we provide the data about the functional network structure that we constructed from the fMRI.

(C) Task-based fMRI of 8 bilinguals and 8 monolingual controls performing a language task used for clinical studies.

BilingualHealthy24scans– language task (ATTENTION! Large file, 1 Gb)

A total of 8 right-handed healthy bilingual subjects and 8 right-handed healthy monolingual control subjects were included in the study. For each monolingual subject, a fMRI scan was obtained by performing a language task using English. For each bilingual subject, 2 fMRI scans were obtained by performing a language task using English (second language) and Spanish (native language) respectively.

The .zip files contains, for each individual, fMRI and MRI files and the language model used during the task. In addition, we include the weighted adjacency matrix and further information about the functional network that we build from this data set. Please see the readme file for each individual.